Questa pagina presenta i risultati della ricerca (pubblicazioni scientifiche, libretti divulgativi, itinerari geoturistici, attività didattiche, presentazioni pubbliche, prodotti audiovisivi, iniziative di geoconservazione, attività di valorizzazione del patrimonio geologico) svolta nell’ambito del progetto, suddivisi nelle seguenti categorie:
Benna P., I cristalli giganti di Piropo. , Mostre “Cristallografia… la bellezza dell’ordine” (Torino) e “Cristalli … ad arte” (Vercelli)., -, -, 2014
Benna P., Belluso E., Cámara F., Ciriotti M.E., Rolfo F., I “tesori” mineralogici del Monviso: inventario e valorizzazione., Giornate Mineralogiche di Tavagnasco, 6-8 giugno, Tavagnasco (TO)., -, -, 2014
COSTA E., Benna P., Cámara F., Dino G., Rossetti P., Rubbo M., Masciocco L., , Traversella and Brosso mining sites – Restore as touristic and scientific development opportunity, GEOLOGIA DELL’AMBIENTE, V. 3, 157-158, 2012
Costa E., Costa E, Benna P, Cámara F, Dino GA, Fornaro M, Giuliani A, Rossetti P, Rubbo M, , Geomaterials as a resource for mankind development: the Traversella & Brosso mining areas in the framework of the “Progeo-Piemonte” project (geothematic area 7)., SGI – EPITOME, V. 4, 132-132, 2011
Giordano E., Natalicchio M., Ghiraldi L., Lozar F., Dela Pierre F., -giardino M., THE MESSINIAN SALINITY CRISIS GEOSITES IN THE LANDSCAPE OF THE
MIDDLE TANARO VALLEY, Dela Pierre, F., Lozar, F. and Natalicchio, M. (Eds.). Abstract Book, RCMNS Interim Colloquium, 25-28 September 2014, Torino (Italy),, N. , 26, 2014
Lombardo B., Fioraso G., Balestro G., Mortara G. , Monviso. I ghiacciai del Re di Pietra., In “”Itinerari glaciologici sui ghiacciai italiani”, Guida SGI-CGI-CAI., -, -, Sottomesso
MORANDO M, FAVERO-LONGO S.E. MATTEUCCI E., BORGHI A., PIERVITTORI R. , Adotta un monumento: la Real Basilica di Superga, notiziario società lichenologica italiana, 27, 32, 2014
Rolfo F., Benna P, Cadoppi P., Castelli D., Favero-Longo S.E., Giardino M., Balestro G., Belluso E., Borghi A, Cámara F., Compagnoni R., Ferrando S., Festa A., Forno M.G., Giacometti F., Gianotti F., Groppo C., Lombardo B, Mosca P., Perrone G., Piervittori R., Rebay G. & Rossetti P., The Monviso Massif and the Cottian Alps as symbols of the Alpine chain and geological heritage in Piemonte, Italy. , Geoheritage, , -, -, In stampa
Rolfo F., Balestro G., Borghi A., Castelli D., Ferrando S., Groppo C., Mosca P., Rossetti P. , The Monviso Ophiolite Geopark, a Symbol of the Alpine Chain and Geological Heritage in Piemonte, Italy. , In: G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09408-3_40, v.8, 239-243, 2015
Rolfo F., Benna P, Cadoppi P., Castelli D., Favero-Longo S.E., Giardino M., Balestro G., Belluso E., Borghi A, Cámara F., Compagnoni R., Ferrando S., Festa A., Forno M.G., Giacometti F., Gianotti F., Groppo C., Lombardo B, Mosca P., Perrone G., Piervittori R., Rebay G. & Rossetti P., The Monviso Massif and the Cottian Alps as symbols of the Alpine chain and geological heritage in Piemonte, Italy., Geoheritage, 7, 65-84, 2015
Rolfo F., Cadoppi P., The Monviso Massif and the Cottian Alps as symbols of the alpine chain in the framework of the “ProGEO-Piemonte” project (geothematic area 1)., Geoitalia 2011, Epitome, 4, 133-134, 2011
Rossi M., ., Gattiglia A., Castelli D., Chiappino C., Gomez Serito M., Nisbet R., Patria L., Porticelli F., Re Fiorentin G., Riccardi M.P., Rossetti P., Silvestro G., de Vingo P., Les anciennes mines d’Usseglio (Turin, Italie)., Inventaire, étude, conservation et valorisation du patrimoine archéo-minier d’une vallée alpine. Mine et anthropisation de la haute montagne alpine. 2° Workshop MinAhm, L’Argentière-La Bessée – Freissinières, 26-28 juin 2014., -, -, 2014
A. Borghi,, D. Castelli, E. Costa, A. D’atri, G. Dino, S.E. Favero Longo, S. Ferrando, L.M. Gallo, M. Giardino, C. Groppo, L. Martire , R. Piervittori, F. Rolfo, P. Rossetti, G. Vaggelli , The historic ornamental stone of Turin (NW Italy): a scientific dissemination approach for the development of urban geological heritage, Book of abstracts, 1, 88, 2010
Balestro G., Lombardo B, Come nasce il Monviso, Rassegna “Montagne di sera – Scienza di montagna”, Club Alpino Italiano, Sezione di Saluzzo, -, -, 2012
Bertok C., ., d’Atri A., Barale L., Martire L., Piana F., Vigna B. , A trip through deep time in the rock succession of the Marguareis area (Ligurian Alps, South Western Piemonte). , Geoheritage, DOI: 10.1007/s12371-013-0096-2, 0-0, 2014
d’Atri A., Barale L., Bertok C., Magagna A., Martire L., Piana F., Vigna B., Pages of the Earth history book recorded in the successions of the Marguareis area (PROGEO Piemonte Project). , Geologia dell’Ambiente, supplemento al n° 3, 152-153, 2012
d’Atri A., Barale L., Bertok C., Martire L., Piana F., Vigna B., Pages of the Earth history book recorded in the successions of the Marguareis area (PROGEO-Piemonte project – geothematic area 2). , Geoitalia, EPITOME, 4, 133, 2011
DINO G.A, BORGHI A., D’ATRI A., MARTIRE L, Use and explotation of Piemonte dimension stones (NW Italy), Rendiconti on line della Società geologica italiana, 31, suppl.1, , 207, 2014
DINO G.A., CAVALLO A., Ornamental stones of the Verbano Cusio Ossola quarry district: characterization of materials, quarrying techniques and history and relevance to local and national heritage. , . Geological Socyety of London, special pubblication, Global Heritage Stone: Towards International Recognition of Building and Ornamental Stones Edited by D. Pereira, B. R. Marker, S. Kramar, B. J. Cooper and B. E. Schouenborg, 407, in press, 407,, doi:10.1144/SP407.15, 2014
Favero-Longo S.E, Rolfo F., Piervittori R. , Comunità litobiontiche sulle ofioliti del Massiccio del Monviso: un valore aggiunto per una fruizione geoturistica., Note Società Lichenica Italiana, 26, 37, 2013
Franco Gianotti, Forno M.G. , Ajassa R., Cámara F., Costa E., Ferrando S., Giardino M., Lucchesi S., Motta L., Motta M., Perotti L., Rossetti P., The Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre as a Well Preserved Record of the Quaternary Climate
Variability (PROGEO-Piemonte Project, NW Italy), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Volume 8, 235-238, In stampa
Ghiraldi L. , Bacenetti M., Perotti L., Giardino M., Millemaci P., Methodologies and Activities to Promote Geotourism. The Case Study of the Cannobina
Valley (NW Italy), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Volume 8, 269-272, In stampa
Gianotti F., Forno M.G., Ajassa R., Cámara F., Costa E., Ferrando S., Giardino M., Lucchesi S., Motta L., Motta M., Perotti L., Rossetti P., The Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre as a Well Preserved Record of the Quaternary Climate
Variability (PROGEO-Piemonte Project, NW Italy), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Volume 8, 235-238, In stampa
Gianotti F., Forno M.G., Ajassa R., Ferrando S., Ghidone G., Oreglia E. , The Serra d’Ivrea (NW Italy) as a didactic example of lateral moraine devoted to the scientific dissemination. , Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., v. 31, 791-692, 2014
GIANOTTI F., COMINA C., Inquadramento geologico e prime indagini geofisiche e stratigrafiche sul sito di Borgo Nuovo di Dora, borgo franco medievale abbandonato presso Villareggia (TO). , Assetti territoriali e villaggi abbandonati (secoli XII-XIV), CISIM, Off. Grafiche Comun., Bra, -, 309-320., 2012
GIANOTTI F., Geological setting of the Pleistocene placers and roman gold mines of the Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre (Piedmont, NW Italy), Il Quaternario, Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences, 24 (2), 183-185, 2011
Giardino M., Bacenetti M., Perotti L., Giordano E., Ghiraldi L., Geodiversity and geohazards of the Susa Valley (W-Alps, Italy): combining scientific research and new technologies for enhanced knowledge and proactive management of geoheritage in mountain regions, Geophysical Research Letters Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-7204-1,, 2013
Giardino M., Progeo-Piemonte Research Team, PROGEO-Piemonte: a multidisciplinary research project for developing a proactive management of geological heritage in the Piemonte Region., Geoitalia 2011, Epitome, vol. 4, 132, 2011
Giordano E., Natalicchio M., Ghiraldi L., Giardino M., Lozar F., Dela Pierre F., Relationships Between Geoheritage and Environmental Dynamics in the Tanaro Valley (NW Italy): Geological Mapping and Geotourist Activities for a Proper Management of Natural and Cultural Landscapes, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Volume 8, 261-264, In stampa
Giordano E., Ghiraldi L., Bagnati T., Dellarole E., Giardino M., Arzarello M., Perotti L., Cultural geology in the Sesia-Val Grande Geopark (NW-Alps, Italy), Abstract book of the 6th International UNESCO Conference on Global Geoparks , -, -, 2014
Giordano E., Giardino M., Baral G., Ghiraldi L., Following the tracks of Charlemagne in the Cottian Alps. The cultural and geological heritage of the Franks trail (Susa Valley, Piemonte, NW Italy), 8th IAG Paris, Abstract Volume, nd, 551, 2013
Lucchesi S., Gianotti F., Giardino M.,, The Morainic Amphitheatre Environment: A Geosite to Rediscover the Geological and Cultural Heritage in the Examples of the Ivrea and Rivoli- Avigliana Morainic Amphitheatres (NW Italy), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Volume 8, 245-248, In stampa
Lucchesi S., Giardino M., Historical Archives Data for the Reconstruction of Geomorphological Modifications in the Urban Area of Turin (NW-Italy), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Volume 8, 447-451, 2010
Marengo A., , Borghi A., Cadoppi P., Costa E. , The Busca Onyx: an historical ornamental stone from Piedmont. ). In: “Research and preservation of ancient mining area, research and preservation of ancient mining areas. Yearbook of the institute Europa subterranea, Silvertant ed., Valkenburg, 171-181, 2014
Motta L., Motta M., Massi erratici – singolari testimonianze glaciali nel paesaggio, Natura Preziosa, Regione Piemonte, Torino, -, 193, 2013
Rolfo F., Cadoppi P., Balestro G., Belluso E. Benna P., Borghi A., Cámara F., Castelli D, Favero-Longo S.E., Ferrando S., Festa A., Forno M.G., Gattiglio M., Gianotti F., Giardino M, Groppo C., Mosca P., Piervittori R., Rossetti P., The Monviso massif and the Cottian Alps as symbols of the Alpine chain and geological heritage in Piemonte, Italy. , Geologia dell’Ambiente Suppl., , 3, 170-171, 2012
Rossi M., Gattiglia A., Castelli D., Chiappino C., Nisbet R., Patria L., Porticelli F., Re Fiorentin G., Rossetti P. , The ancient mines of Usseglio (Torino, Italy): multi-year programme of recording, study, preservation and cultural development of the archaeological mining heritage in an alpine valley. , Proceedings 16th International Congress of Speleology, Czech Speleological Society, Praga, -, 242-246, 2013
V. Berra , A.Borghi, A. d’Atri, G. A. Dino, L. M. Gallo, L. Martire, G. Massaro , The Historical quarries from the Western Alps exploited for the realization of Via Roma in Turin (NW Italy). , Research and preservation of ancient minas. Yearbook of institute Europa subterranea. Silvertant ed., Valkenburg, Silvertant ed., Valkenburg, 289-299, 2014
A. Borghi,, P. Cadoppi, G.A. Dino, The Dora-Maira Unit (Italian Cottian Alps): a reservoir of ornamental stones locally and worldwide employed since Roman age. , The Dora-Maira Unit (Italian Cottian Alps): a reservoir of ornamental stones locally and worldwide employed since Roman age. , 17, 11189, 2015
A. Borghi,, , D. Castelli, E. Costa, A. D’atri, G.A. Dino, S. Favero, S. Ferrando, C. Groppo, L. Martire, R. Piervittori, F. Rolfo, P. Rossetti, G. Vaggelli , The geological heritage of Piedmont Region: Turin a “Stone-Town, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, 9096, 2013
A. D’atri,, – A. D’atri, A. Borghi, L. Martire, D. Castelli, E. Costa, G. Dino, S.E. Favero Longo, S. Ferrando, L.M. Gallo, M. Giardino, C. Groppo, R. Piervittori, F. Rolfo, P. Rossetti, G. Vaggelli , Sedimentary rocks in the urban geological heritage of the Torino city, Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences, 5, 51, 2013
Aceto M., Agostoni A., Borghi A., Agostino A., Analisi archeometrica dell’Arco di Susa, Segusium, LII, 185-215, 2015
BALESTRO G, LOMBARDO† B., VAGGELLI G., BORGHI A., FESTA A., GATTIGLIO , Tectonostratigraphy of the northern Monviso Meta-ophiolite Complex (Western Alps). , Italian Journal of Geosciences, 133, 409-426, 2014
Balestro G., Festa A., Tartarotti P., Tectonic significance of different block-in-matrix structures in exhumed convergent plate margins: examples from oceanic and continental HP rocks in Inner Western Alps (NW Italy)., INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2014.943307, 1-25, In stampa
Balestro G., Cassulo R., Fioraso G., Nicolò G., Rolfo F., Bonansea E., Cadoppi P., Castelli D., Ferrando S., Festa A., Groppo C., Morelli M., Mortara G., Mosca P. , IT applications for sharing geoheritage information: the example of the geological and geomorphological trail in the Monviso massif (NW Italy)., Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 34, 85-88, 2015
Balestro G., Borghi A., Festa A., Gattiglio M., Vaggelli G. , Tectonostratigraphy and metamorphic evolution of the northern Monviso Metaophiolite Complex (inner Western Alps). , RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETA GEOLOGICA ITALIANA, n.31, 456, 2014
Balestro G., Festa A., Tartarotti P. , Broken and dismembered formations in the Monviso Meta-ophiolite Complex (Western Alps)., In: “Meeting in memory of Piero Elter – The relationships between Northern Apennine and western Alps: state of the art fifty years after the Ruga del Bracco”, Pisa, June 26-27, 2014, Abstract Volume, -, 6-7, 2014
Barale L., Battaglia S., Bertok C., d’Atri A., Ellero A., Leoni L., Martire L., Piana F. , Geological setting of the southern termination of the western Alps arc (Maritime and Western Ligurian Alps, Nw Italy). , Meeting in memory of Piero Elter.The relationships between Northern Apennine and Western Alps: state of the art fifty years after the “Ruga del Bracco” Pisa, abstract volume, 8-9, 2014
Barale L. , Bertok C., d’Atri A., Martire L., Piana F., Domini G. , Geology of the Entracque – Colle di Tenda area (Maritime Alps, NW Italy)., Journal of Maps, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2015.1024293, -, -, 2014
Barale L., Bertok C., d’Atri A., Domini G., Martire L., Piana F. , Hydrothermal dolomitization of the carbonate Jurassic succession in the Provençal and Subbriançonnais Domains (Maritime Alps, North-Western Italy). , Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 345, 47-53, 2013
Bernardi E., Dela Pierre F., Lozar F., Violanti D., Gennari R., Natalicchio M., The onset of the Messinian salinity crisis from marginal to deep water settings (Tertiary Piedmont Basin, NW Italy): relationships with gypsum deposition., RCMNS Interim Colloquium: Parathethys-Mediterranean interactions, Bucharest (Romania), Book of Abstracts,, -, 25-26, 2012
Bertok C. , Borghi A., d’Atri A., Martire L., Massaro G., Piana F. , The Persichini “marbles” of the Ligurian Briançonnais: a historical stone material with a renewed scientific interest., Rendiconti on line Società Geologica Italiana, Suppl. n. 1 v. 31, 125, 2014
Bertok C. , Barale L., d’Atri A., Domini G., Martire L., Piana F. , Hydrothermal dolomite and hydrocarbon migration in a fossil outer continental margin: an example from the Maritime Alps (NW Italy), AAPG regional meeting, 25-26 March 2014, Naples, abstract volume, 30-31, 2014
Bertok C., Martire L., Perotti E., d’Atri A., Piana F., Kilometre-scale palaeoescarpments as evidence for Cretaceous synsedimentary tectonics in the External Briançonnais Domain (Ligurian Alps, Italy)., Sedimentary Geology, 251-252, 58-75, 2012
Birgel D., Dela Pierre F., Natalicchio M., Liu X.L., Hinrichs K.U, Peckmann J., 2013. , Biomarkers of planktic and sedimentary archaea record the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis. , Abstractr Book 26th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry IMOG, Tenerife, , 2, 267-268, 2013
Borghi A., Gattiglio M., Mosca P., Coupled Variscan continental crust slices in the Western Alps: a case history in the Ambin Massif. , Special meeting of French and Italian Geological Societies. May-22-23 Sassari,Italy. Lenght scales, times scales and relative contribution of Variscan orogeny events to formation of European crust. BRGM editions, Gèologie de la France, 1, 73-74, 2012
Borghi a.,, Canali, F., Castelli, D., Cooper, B., Dino, , The Candoglia marble from Verbano Cusio Ossola quarry basin (northwestern italian Alps): characterization, quarrying evolution and application for the Milano cathedral construction. , Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, n. 7, 395, 2015
Cadoppi P., Camanni G., Perrone G., Damiano A., Monticelli F., Geometry reconstruction of the Fontane talc mineralization (Germanasca Valley, Italian Western Alps): Integration of geological-structural analysis and geomatics methods. , Rendiconti Online Della Società Geologica Italiana:, -, 33-35, 2012
Castelli D. , Compagnoni R., Lombardo B., Angiboust S., Balestro G., Ferrando S., Groppo C., Hirajima T. & Rolfo F. , Crust-mantle interactions during subduction of oceanic & continental crust., GFT – Geological Field Trips. Periodico semestrale del Servizio Geologico d’Italia – ISPRA e della Società Geologica Italiana, v.6(1.3), 1-73, 2014
Clari P., Dela Pierre F., Martire L., Natalicchio M., Petrea C., Cavagna S. , Neogene hydrocarbon-rich fluid seepage in the Piedmont Basin (NW Italy)., Abstract Book Workshop “Carbonate conduits linked to hydrocarbon-enriched fluid escape”, June 28th – July 1st, Bologna (Italy), -, -, 2013
Compagnoni R., Rolfo F., Castelli D., Jadeitite from the Monviso meta-ophiolite, western Alps: occurrence and genesis from a plagiogranite, Eur J Mineral, 24, 333-343, 2012
Compagnoni R., Rolfo F., Groppo C., Hirajima T., Turello R. , Geological map of the Ultra-High Pressure Brossasco-Isasca Unit (Western Alps, Italy), Journal of Maps, 8/4, 465-472, 2012
Costa E., P. Benna, F Cámara Artigas, G. A. Dino, L. M. Gallo, D. Garabello, P. Rossetti, M. Rubbo, , Exploitation of the Traversella Mine in the 18th and 19th centuries, Research and Preservation of Ancient Mining Areas – I.E.S. Yearbook 2 0 1 4, 2014, 150-161, 2014
Costa E., Benna P., Bittarello E., Cámara Artigas F., Dino G., Rossetti P., Rubbo M., Vernetti A., , “Mesitine” and its relationship with other carbonates from Traversella Mine., RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA, v. 31, 311, 2014
D Luca D. A., Forno M. G., Gattiglio M., Gianotti F., Lasagna M., Cerino Abdin E., Dino G.A , Use of water resources in mountain. The case study of the Montellina Spring., Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., v. 31, 554-555, 2014
Dela Pierre F., Clari P., Natalicchio M., Ferrando S., Giustetto R., Lozar L., Lugli S., Manzi V., Roveri M., Violanti D. , Flocculent layers and bacterial mats in the mudstone interbeds of the
Primary Lower Gypsum unit (Tertiary Piedmont basin, NW Italy):
Archives of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Messinian
salinity crisis, Marine Geology, 355, 71-87, 2014
Dela Pierre F., Clari P., Natalicchio M., Ferrando S., Giustetto R., Lozar F., Lugli S., Manzi V., Roveri M., Violanti D., Flocculent layers and bacterial mats in the mudstone interbeds of the
Primary Lower Gypsum unit (Tertiary Piedmont basin, NW Italy):
Archives of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Messinian
salinity crisis, Marine Geology, n. 355, 71-87, 2014
Dela Pierre F., Clari, P., Bernardi, E., Natalicchio, M., Costa, E., Cavagna, S., Lozar, F., Lugli, S., Manzi, V., Roveri, M., Violanti, D.,, Messinian carbonate-rich beds of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW Italy): Microbially-mediated products straddling the onset of the salinity crisis., Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 344-345, 78-93, 2012
Dela Pierre F., Clari P., Natalicchio M., Bernardi E., Lozar F., Lugli S., Violanti D., , Big bacteria filaments in the euxinic shales from the Primary Lower Gypsum unit (Piedmont Basin, NW Italy): vestiges of Messinian chemotrophic microbial mats. , RCMNS Interim Colloquium: Parathethys-Mediterranean interactions, Bucharest (Romania), Book of Abstracts,, -, 45-46, 2012
E. Accattino,, C. Bergamin, S. E. Favero-Longo, E. Matteucci, A. Borghi, R. Piervittori , Applicazione del martello di Schmidt allo studio del deterioramento lichenico sullo gneiss di Villarfocchiardo , NOT.SOC.LICH.ITAL, 25, 201, 2013
Favero Longo S.E:, Accattino E., Matteucci E., Borghi A., Piervittori R., Weakening of gneiss surfaces colonized by endolithic lichens in the temperate climate area of NW Italy. , Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, n. 40, 2000-2012, 2015
Favero-Long S.E., Matteucci E., Morando M., Rolfo F., Harris, T.B., Piervittori R. , Metals and secondary metabolites in saxicolous lichen communities on ultramafic and non-ultramafic rocks of the Western Italian Alps. , Australian Journal of Botany, 63(4), 276-291, 2015
Favero-Longo S.E., Matteucci E., Morando M., Rolfo F., Piervittori R., Metals and secondary metabolites in saxicolous lichen communities on ultramafic and non-ultramafic rocks of Western Italian Alps., Aus. J. Bot. , -, -, Sottomesso
Favero-Longo S.E., Matteucci E., Morando M., Rolfo F., Piervittori R., Lichens and metals along a bio-geological path in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve of the Monviso ophiolitic massif (Western Alps)., Book of abstract of the 8th International Conference on Serpentine Ecology, Kota Kinabalu 9-13 June 2014, -, 50, 2014
Favero-Longo S.E., Lichens on metal-rich substrates. , In: Rajakaruna N., Boyd R., Harris T. (Eds.) Plant Ecology and Evolution in Harsh Environments (Nova Publishers, New York), -, 53-76, 2014
Festa A., Balestro G., Dilek Y, Tartarotti P., A Jurassic oceanic core complex in the high-pressure Monviso ophiolite (western Alps, NW Italy), Lithosphere, 7/6, 646-652, 2015
Forno M. G., Avondetto S., Groppo C., Rolfo F. , The Quaternary succession of the Bulè Valley (Po Valley, Piedmont) as possible supply for prehistoric jade axes. , Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., v.31/1, 258, 2014
Forno M.G., Avondetto S., Groppo C., Rolfo F. , The Quaternary succession of the Bule` and Alpetto valleys (Monviso Massif, Piedmont) as a possible supply for prehistoric jade axes raw material., Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei, n. 26/4, 425-432, 2015
FORNO M.G., LUCCHESI S., La successione pliocenico-quaternaria su cui è edificata la Città di Torino e il suo significato per l’utilizzo del territorio. , Atti convegno Geologia urbana a Torino. Geologia dell’Ambiente,, suppl. 1, , 3-10, 2014
Fusetti E., Perrone G., Morelli M., Cadoppi P., Analysis of the fault pattern in the Lower Lanzo Valley(italian Western Alps): a multi-scale integrated approach, Italian Journal Of Geosciences, 131, 286- 301, 2012
PRIMARY LOWER GYPSUM UNIT (PIEDMONT BASIN NW ITALY), Dela Pierre, F., Lozar, F. and Natalicchio, M. (Eds.). Abstract Book, RCMNS Interim Colloquium, 25-28 September 2014, Torino (Italy),, N. , 24, 2014
Gianotti F., Forno M.G., Ivy-Ochs S., Monegato G., Pini R., Ravazzi C., Stratigraphy of the Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre (NW Italy). An updated synthesis., Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 28 (1), 29-58, 2015
Gianotti F., Forno M.G., Ajassa R., Cámara F., Costa E., Ferrando S., Giardino M., Lucchesi S., Motta L., Motta M., Perotti L., Rossetti P. , The Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre in Piedmont (NW Italy) as a well-preserved record of the Quaternary climate variability (PROGEO-Piemonte Project). , Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, v. 8, 235-239, 2014
GIANOTTI F., FORNO M.G., , The Last Glacial Cycle in the Dora Baltea basin (Aosta Valley and Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre, NW Italy)., Alpine Quaternary Workshop, INTIMATE & INQUA-CECLAP, -, -, 2013
GIANOTTI F., FORNO M.G.,, The LGM in NW Italy: a comparison between the Ivrea and the Rivoli-Avigliana end morainic systems. , Alpine Quaternary Workshop, INTIMATE & INQUA-CECLAP, , -, -, 2013
GIANOTTI F., FORNO M.G.,, The LGM in NW Italy: a comparison between the Ivrea and the Rivoli-Avigliana end morainic systems. , Alpine Quaternary Workshop, INTIMATE & INQUA-CECLAP, , -, -, 2013
GIANOTTI F., PINI R, Stratigraphical subdivision of the Middle Pleistocene glacigenic sequence of the Ivrea amphitheatre (Piedmont, NW Italy)., Abstracts XVIII INQUA Congress, -, -, 2011
GIANOTTI F., La genesi dell’Anfiteatro Morenico di Ivrea nell’ambito delle glaciazioni del Quaternario, L’Anfiteatro Morenico di Ivrea dalla Pera Cunca alla Olivetti, Alfredo Ferrero Editore, Cossano, -, 55-75, 2011
GIANOTTI F., FORNO M.G., AJASSA R., CÁMARA F., COSTA E., FFERRANDO S., GIARDINO M., LUCCHESI S., MOTTA L., MOTTA M., PEROTTI L. & ROSSETTI P. , Glaciation and deglaciation: geomorphic signatures on morainic amphitheatres of Ivrea and Belvedere (PROGEO-Piemonte Project – Geothematic Area 6). , Geoitalia 2011, Epitome, 4, 133, 2011
Giardino M., Giordano E., Palomba M., Bacenetti M., Perotti L., Ghiraldi L., Scientific research and new technologies for enhancing knowledge and proactive management of geoheritage in mountain regions: geodiversity and geohazards of the Susa Valley (W-Alps, Italy), Geoitalia 2013, IX Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, Epitome, 2013, 140, 2013
Giardino M., Bacenetti M., Perotti L., Piana F., Fratianni S., Piervittori R., Favero Longo S., Understanding geoenvironmental dynamics and risks: the Cassas landslide and the large slope instabilities of the middle Susa Valley, Geoitalia 2011, VIII Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, Epitome, v. 4, 55, 2011
Lozar F., Violanti D., Dela Pierre F., Natalicchio M., Zanella E., Bernardi E., THE MIO/PLIOCENE BOUNDARY IN THE NORTHERNMOST
CALCAREOUS PLANKTON EVENTS, Dela Pierre, F., Lozar, F. and Natalicchio, M. (Eds.). Abstract Book, RCMNS Interim Colloquium, 25-28 September 2014, Torino (Italy),, N. , 36, 2014
Lozar F., Violanti D., Bernardi E., Dela Pierre F., Natalicchio M. , Calcareous microfossils as tracers of major palaeoceanographic perturbations: the case of the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW Italy). , Abstract Book STRATI2013 (Lisboa, Portugal, July 2013), -, -, 2013
Lozar F., Bernardi E., Dela Pierre F., Gennari R., Natalicchio M., Violanti D., Clari P., , Calcareous nannofossil bioevents heralding the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin: a chronostratigraphic tool at the basin scale? , RCMNS Interim Colloquium: Parathethys-Mediterranean interactions, Bucharest (Romania), Book of Abstracts,, -, 78-80, 2012
MARENGO A, ., COSTA E., BORGHI A, Depositional environment of calcite-alabaster: two compared case studies , Rendiconti on line della Società geologica italiana, 31, suppl.1, 770, 2014
Marengo A.,, Borghi A., Costa E, Multi-disciplinary approach to the characterization of an ornamental stone: the case study of “Busca Onyx, Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It, V. 15, suppl. 2, 348, 2015
Martire L., Bertok C., d’Atri A., Perotti E., Piana F. , Selective dolomitization by syntaxial overgrowth around detrital dolomite nuclei: a case from the Jurassic of the Ligurian Briançonnais (Ligurian Alps). , Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 84, 40–50, 2014
Martire L., Barale L., Bertok C., d’Atri A., Perotti E., Piana F., Non-consistent zoning of dolomite crystals resulting from syntaxial overgrowth around detrital nuclei: A case from the Jurassic limestones of the Ligurian Brianconnais (Ligurian Alps). , 29th IAS Meeting, Abstract book, -, 311, 2012
MORANDO M, , FAVERO-LONGO S.E. MATTEUCCI E., BORGHI A., PIERVITTORI R, Lichen deterioration and dispersal patterns on limestone cultural heritage in temprerate areas. Abstrct volume, 59. XVI International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium September 3-5, 2014
LODZ, POLAND, XVI International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium, , Abstract volume, 59, 2014
Natalicchio M. , Birgel D., Dela Pierre F., Lozar F., and Peckmann J., THE ONSET OF THE MESSINIAN SALINITY CRISIS RECORDED BY LIPID
PALAEOENVIRONMETAL IMPLICATIONS, Dela Pierre, F., Lozar, F. and Natalicchio, M. (Eds.). Abstract Book, RCMNS Interim Colloquium, 25-28 September 2014, Torino (Italy),, N. , 41, 2014
Natalicchio M., Dela Pierre, F., Clari, P.A., Birgel, D., Cavagna, S., Martire, L., Peckmann, J., , Hydrocarbon seepage during the Messinian salinity crisis in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW, Italy)., Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 390, 68-80, 2013
Natalicchio M., Dela Pierre F., Clari P., , New palaeoenvironmental implications for the Messinian salinity crisis: insights from the Primary Lower Gypsum unit of the Piedmont Basin (NW Italy), RCMNS Congress, Istanbul (Turkey), Book of Abstracts,, -, 59, 2013
Natalicchio M., Birgel, D., Dela Pierre, F., Martire, L., Clari, P.A., Spötl, C., Peckmann, J.,, Polyphasic carbonate precipitation in the shallow subsurface: insights from microbially-formed authigenic carbonate beds in upper Miocene sediments of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW Italy). , Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 329-330, 158-172, 2012
Natalicchio M., Dela Pierre F., Lugli S., Ferrando S., , A fluid inclusion study of the Primary Lower Gypsum of the Piedmont Basin (Italy): precipitation from evaporated sea water?, RCMNS Interim Colloquium: Parathethys-Mediterranean interactions, Bucharest (Romania), Book of Abstracts,, -, 101-102, 2012
Natalicchio M., , Biergel D., Dela Pierre F., Lozar F., Liu X.-L., Hinrichs K.W., Peckmann J., A microbial ” bloom ” at the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Piedmont Basin (NW Italy),
, Geophysical Research Abstracts , v. 17, 13047, 2015
Natalicchio, M., , Dela Pierre, F., Lugli, S., Lowenstein, T.K., Feiner S.J., Ferrando S., Manzi, V., Roveri, M., Clari, P.,, Did Late Miocene gypsum precipitate from evaporated marine brines? Insights from the Piedmont Basin (Italy). , Geology, 42, 179-182, 2014
MESSINIAN AND THEIR PALEOENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS, Dela Pierre, F., Lozar, F. and Natalicchio, M. (Eds.). Abstract Book, RCMNS Interim Colloquium, 25-28 September 2014, Torino (Italy),, N. , 42, 2014
Palmeri R, Frezzotti M.L., Godard G., Ferrando S., Compagnoni R., Pressure-induced amorphization of quartz at Dora-Maira Massif (Italian western Alps): a new indicator of UHPM? , International Eclogite Conference (10th IEC). 10th IEC), Courmayeur, Italy. Abstract Volume, -, 99, 2013
Perrone G., Morelli M., Fioraso G., Piana F., Cadoppi P., Balestro G., Tallone S., Mallen L., Nicolò G. , Current tectonic activity and differential uplift along the inner central Western Alps/Po Plain boundary as derived by PS-InSAR data., Rendiconti Online Della Società Geologica Italiana:, -, 180- 182, 2012
Piana F., Battaglia S., Bertok C., d’Atri A., Ellero A., Leoni L., Martire L., Perotti E. , Illite (KI) and chlorite (AI) “crystallinity” indices as a constraint for the evolution of the External Briançonnais Front in Western Ligurian Alps (NW Italy)., Italian Journal of Geosciences, v. 133, 445-454, 2014
Rapa G., Groppo C., Rolfo F., Geologic and petrographic study of the Lower Shear Zone in the Monviso Ophiolitic Massif (western Alps): insights into the subduction dynamics. , Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 31/1, 393, 2014
Rolfo F., Balestro G., Borghi A., Castelli D., Ferrando S., Groppo C., Mosca P., Compagnoni R., Walking through the Tethys in the Monviso Ophiolite (Piemonte, Italy). , Meeting in memory of Piero Elter – The relationships between Northern Apennine and western Alps: state of the art fifty years after the “Ruga del Bracco” – Pisa, June 26-27, 2014, Abstract Volume, -, 59-61, 2014
Rossetti P, Castelli D., Gattiglia A., Rossi M., Nuovi ritrovamenti di mineralizzazioni e di lavori minerari nei valloni di Servìn e del Masòc (Usseglio, valli di Lanzo): primi dati geologico-petrografici e microanalitici., M. Rossi, A. Gattiglia (eds.), Terre rosse, pietre verdi e blu cobalto Miniere a Usseglio. Seconda raccolta di studi. Museo Civico Alpino «Arnaldo Tazzetti», Usseglio, -, 215-228, 2013
TONON C, VIETTI A., FAVERO LONGO S.E., BORGHI A., PIERVITTORI R, Azione allelopatica di metaboliti lichenici secondari verso funghi demaziacei in coltura su provini di marmi , notiziario società lichenologica italiana, 27, 24, 2014
Vaggelli G.,, ,Serra M.†, Cossio R. Borghi A. , Trace elements in alpine whitemarbles by micro-XRF: a multivariate statisticalapproach for provenance determination of archaeological finds., Journal of International Mineralogy, , Volume 2014,, Article ID 217916., 11 pp, 2014
Violanti D., Lozar, F., Dela Pierre, F., Natalicchio, M., Bernardi, E., Clari, P., Cavagna, S.,, Stress tolerant microfossils of a Messinian succession from the northern Mediterranean basin (Pollenzo section, Piedmont, Northwestern Italy)., Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana , 52, 45-54, 2013
Violanti D., Lozar F., Dela Pierre F., Natalicchio M., Bernardi E., Clari P. , Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and bottom record of paleoenvironmental changes in the marine Messinian succession (Alba, Piedmont, Northwestern Italy). , Abstract Book XIII Giornate di Paleontologia, SPI, Perugia, May 2013., -, -, 2013
Violanti D., Bernardi E., Lozar F., Dela Pierre F., Clari P., Natalicchio M., Cavagna S.,, Microfossili tolleranti condizioni di stress ambientale nel Messiniano di Pollenzo (Alba, Piemonte, Italia Nord-occidentale)., Giornate di Paleontologia XII Edizione, Catania (Italy), Book of Abstracts,, -, 68, 2012
Balestro G., Cassulo R., Fioraso G., Nicolò G., Rolfo F., Bonansea E., Cadoppi P., Castelli D., Ferrando S., Festa A., Groppo C., Morelli M., Mortara G., Mosca P., IT applications for sharing geoheritage information: the example of the geological and geomorphological trail in the Monviso massif (NW Italy)., RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETA GEOLOGICA ITALIANA, -, -, In stampa
Balestro G., Cadoppi P., Castelli D., Ferrando S., Festa A., Fioraso G., Groppo C., Mortara G., Mosca P., Rolfo F., Bonansea E., Morelli M., Nicolò G., IT applications for sharing geoheritage information: the example of a geological trail in the Monviso massif (NW Italy). , GIT – Geology and Information Technology. 9° Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo di Geologia Informatica – Sezione della Società Geologica Italiana. Montefalco (PG), 16 – 18 giugno 2014., -, -, 2014
Benna P., Conterosito E., Marabello D., Milanesio M., Cristallografia… la bellezza dell’ordine, Mostra “Cristallografia… la bellezza dell’ordine” a Torino, presso il Dipartimento di Chimica, via P. Giuria 7, 7-17 Ottobre 2014, -, -, 2014
Benna P., Conterosito E., Marabello D., Milanesio M., Cristallografia… la bellezza dell’ordine, Mostra “Cristallografia… la bellezza dell’ordine” a Torino, presso la sede dell’APMP (Associazione Piemontese di Mineralogia e Paleontologia), via N. Fabrizi 48/a, 17 Novembre 2014 – 31 Marzo 2015, -, -, 2014
Benna P., Conterosito E., Marabello D., Milanesio M., Cristalli … ad arte, Allestimento della Mostra “Cristalli … ad arte” a Vercelli, presso Università del Piemonte Orientale, Piazza Sant’Eusebio 5, 5 Novembre 2014 – 30 Gennaio 2015., -, -, 2014
Bertok C., Lozar F., Magagna A., Giordano E., d’Atri A., Dela Pierre F., Natalicchio M., Martire L., Clari P., Violanti D., Ghiraldi L. , Virtual tours through Earth history and paleoclimate: examples from the Piemonte (NW Italy) geoheritage (PROGEO-Piemonte project)., Abstract Book STRATI2013 (Lisboa, Portugal, July 2013), -, -, 2013
Bertok C., , Lozar F., Magagna A., Giordano E., Ghiraldi L., d’Atri A., Dela Pierre F., Natalicchio M., Martire L., Clari P., Violanti D. , Multimedia and virtual reality for imaging the climate and environment changes through Earth history: examples from the Piemonte (NW Italy) geoheritage (PROGEO-Piemonte project).
, XII IAEG Congress, Torino, Volume: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Preservation of Cultural Heritage , V. 8/5, 265-269, 2014
Conterosito E., Benna P., Marabello D., Milanesio M., Mostre “Cristallografia… la bellezza dell’ordine” (Torino) e “Cristalli … ad arte” (Vercelli), –, -, -, 2014
Delfino M., Cirilli F., Giardino M., Lozar F., FOSSILI URBANI: RIFLESSIONI SEMISERIE SUI PROCESSI DI FOSSILIZZAZIONE, Abstract Volume “Giornate di Paleontologia” 2015, V. 15, 12, 2015
Delfino M., , Cirilli F., Giardino M., Lozar F., Fossili Urbani, Fossili Urbani, 1, 1-142, 2015
Ferrero E., Magagna A., Natural Hazards in Earth Science education projects, Geoethics: the Role and Responsibility of Geoscientists, Special Publications series, Geological Society, London, vol. 419/2015, -, In stampa
Ghiraldi L., Balestro G., Perotti L., Giordano E., Giardino M., Collecting and sharing geoheritage information in the digital Age. , 8th IAG Paris, Abstract Volume, -, -, 2013
GIANOTTI F., MARRA D., L’impronta del Ghiacciaio. Anfiteatro Morenico di Ivrea: un unicum geologico, Ecomuseo AMI, Bolognino Ed., Ivrea,, -, 63, 2012
Giordano E., Magagna A. , Ghiraldi L. , Bertok C. , Lozar F, d’Atri A., Dela Pierre F. , Natalicchio M. , Martire L. , Clari P. , Violanti D. , Multimedia and virtual reality for imaging the climate and environment changes through Earth history: examples from the Piemonte (NW Italy) , Geoheritage, -, -, In stampa
Giordano E., , Natalicchio M., Lozar F., Dela Pierre F., Giardino M. , Geodiversity, geoheritage and cultural landscape: an example from the Messinian geosites of the Piemonte region (NW-Italy).
, Geophysical Research Abstracts , V. 17, 13048, 2015
Giordano E., Natalicchio M., Ghiraldi L., Giardino M., Lozar F., Dela Pierre F., Relationships Between Geoheritage, and Environmental Dynamics in the Tanaro Valley (NW Italy): Geological Mapping and Geotourist Activities for a Proper Management of Natural and Cultural Landscapes.
, XII IAEG Congress, Torino, Volume: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Preservation of Cultural Heritage , Vl. 8/5, 261-264 , 2014
Giordano E., Magagna A. , Ghiraldi L., Bertok C., Lozar F., d’Atri A., Dela Pierre F., Giardino M., Natalicchio M., Martire L., Clari P., Violanti D., Multimedia and Virtual Reality for Imaging the Climate and Environment Changes Through Earth History: Examples from the Piemonte (NW Italy) Geoheritage (PROGEO-Piemonte Project), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Volume 8, 257-260, In stampa
Lozar F., Delfino M., Cirilli F., Giardino M., “Urban Fossils”: half-serious reflections on fossilization processes, GSA Baltimore Annual Meeting Abstract Book, 0, 10, 2015
Lozar F., Clari, P.A., Dela Pierre, F., Natalicchio, M., Bernardi, E., Violanti, D., Costa, E., Giardino, M, , Virtual tour of past environmental and climate change: the Messinian succession of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin, Geheritage, -, 1-8, 2014
Lozar F., Clari, P., Dela Pierre F., Bernardi, E., Natalicchio, M., Violanti, D., Benna, P., Cavagna, S., Costa, E., Ferrando, S., Martinetto, E., Rubbo, M., Zanella, E., Giardino, M.A.,, A time-trip to the sunny Messinian shores: climate variability and past environmental changes recorded in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (PROGEOPiemonte Project). , Geologia dell’Ambiente, 3, 65-68, 2012
Perotti L., Balestro G, Cadoppi P., Ghiraldi L., Giardino M., Giordano E., Geomatic methods and applications for evaluation and management of Piemonte geoheritage (Progeo-Piemonte project), 7th EUropean congress on Regional Geoscientific cartography and Information systems – Proceeding Volume, vol. 1, 317-318, 2012
A, BORGHI, G, A, DINO, A. CAVALLO , ) Verbano-Cusio-Ossola dimension stones: application in Milan and Turin, Global Stone congress , abstract book, 53, 2014
A. BORGHI, D. ANGELICI, M. BORLA, D. CASTELLI, A. D’ATRI, G. GARIANI, A. LO GIUDICE, L. MARTIRE, A. RE, G. VAGGELLI, The stones of the Egyptian Museum of Turin: geological, mineralogical and petrographical characterization, Rendiconti on line della Società geologica italiana,, 31, suppl.1, , 241, 2014
Barale I., Gallo L., Borghi A. , La collezione di rocce egiziane conservata presso il museo regionale di scienze naturali di Torino: recupero e valorizzazione., Museologia Scientifica, 7, -, 2012
Berra V., Borghi A., Gallo L.M. , I portici di via Roma a Torino: rilievo architettonico e caratterizzazione petrografica., Rivista piemontese di Storia naturale, 34, 1-80, 2013
Berra V., Borghi A., Gallo M.L., Le pietre ornamentali di Via Roma Nuova a Torino, Atti convegno Geologia urbana a Torino. Geologia dell’Ambiente,, suppl. 1, , 98-102, 2012
Bollati I., Coratza P., Giardino M., Laureti L., Leonelli G., Panizza M., Panizza V., Pelfini M., Piacente S., Pica A., Russo F., Zerboni A. , Directions in Geoheritage Studies: Suggestions from the Italian Geomorphological Community, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Volume 8, 213-217, In stampa
Borghi a., Pietre ornamentali delle Alpi Occidentali impiegate nel costruito storico e contemporaneo della Città di Torino, sito ISPRA:, .Atti congesso Geologia & turismo a 10 anni dalla fondazione, , D’Andea & Rossi R. ed, 177-188, 2015
borghi A., Angelici D. , Borla M. , Castelli D. , D’atri A. , Gariani G. , Lo Giudice A. , Martire L. , Re A. , Vaggelli G, The stones of the Statuary of the Egyptian Museum of Turin: geologic and petrographic characterization, Rendiconti Lincei Fis. Nat, v. 28, 385-398, 2015
Borghi a., d’Atri, L. Martire, D. Castelli, E. Costa, G. Dino, S.E. Favero Longo, S. Ferrando, L.M. Gallo, M. Giardino, C. Groppo, R. Piervittori, F. Rolfo, P. Rossetti, G. Vaggelli , Fragments of the Western Alpine chainashistoricornamentalstones in Turin (Italy): a new geotouristicapproachfor the enhancement of urbangeologicalheritage., Geoheritage, 6, 41-55, 2014
Borghi A., Castelli D., Costa E., d’Atri A., Dino G., Favero Longo S.E., Ferrando S., Forno M.G., Gallo L.M., Gianotti F., Giardino M., Groppo C., Martire L., Piervittori R., Rolfo F., Rossetti P., Vaggelli G. , Historicornamentalstones from the Western Alps and their use in Cultural Heritage, Geologia dell’Ambiente, Suppl. n. 3, 35 – 37, 2012
Borghi A., Appolonia L., Framarin P., Da Pra V. , Marmi policromi nell’Edilizia residenziale e pubblica di Augusta Praetoria, Atti XVIII Colloquio dell’AISCOM, -, 143 – 154, 2012
borghi A., Caratterizzazione petrografica e valorizzazione del costruito storico e contemporaneo di Torino. , Atti convegno Geologia urbana a Torino. Geologia dell’Ambiente, suppl. 1, 98-102, 2012
Borghi A., , Castelli D., Corbetta E., Dino G.A. , Candoglia Marble and the “Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano”: a resource for Global Heritage Stone Designation in the Italian Alps. , Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, 13002, 2015
Costa E., P. Benna, F Cámara Artigas, G. A. Dino, L. M. Gallo, D. Garabello, P. Rossetti, M. Rubbo, , PANNELLI MUSEO DELLE MINIERE DI TRAVERSELLA 2014, x, x, 1-12, 2014
Ferrero E., Giardino M., Magagna A., Mortara G., Geophilia, an ethical approach for environmental care and education. A virtuous link between university, administrators, associations and communities, 7th World Environmental Education Congress, -, -, 2013
Ferrero E., Giardino M., Lozar F., Giordano E., Belluso E., Perotti L., Geodiversity action plans for the enhancement of geoheritage in the Piemonte region (North-Western Italy)., Annals of Geophysics, vol. 55, 487-495, 2012
Magagna A., Giardino M., Ferrero E., Spreading Geodiversity awareness in schools through field trips and ICT, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU 2014, 16, -, 2014
Magagna A., Field trips, ICT and IBSE method for increasing the awareness of Secondary School students about the geological features of an area, ICOLE 2014 International Conference of the Outdoor Learning Environment , -, -, 2014
Magagna A., Giardino M., Merlo M., Balzarini P., Kiuttu M., Leinonen L., Geoparks and international students exchanges: a window of opportunity,, Abstract book of the 6th International UNESCO Conference on Global Geoparks , -, 55-56, 2014
Magagna A., Ferrero E., Giardino M., Una ricerca condivisa con l’ANISN Piemonte sull’uso delle nuove tecnologie nelle Scienze della Terra, Le Scienze Naturali nella scuola, 51 (I), 16-23, 2014
Magagna A., Ferrero E., Giardino M., Lozar F., Perotti L., A Selection of Geological Tours for Promoting the Italian Geological Heritage in the Secondary Schools, Geoheritage, , Volume 5, Issue 4, 265-273, 2013
Magagna A., Ferrero E., Giardino M., Perotti L., Use of multimedia, virtual field trips and geomatic tools in Earth Science education, Learning & Teaching with Media & Technology. ATEE-SIREM Winter Conference Proceedings. 7-9 March 2013, Genoa (Italy, -, 325-336, 2013
Magagna A., Ferrero E., Giardino M., Giordano E., Belluso E., Lozar F., Perotti L., A multimedia product to disseminate the geological knowledge of the Piemonte region (PROGEO-Piemonte Project)., Geoheritage: Protecting and Sharing. Geologia dell’ambiente, vol. Supplemento al n. 3, 209-211, 2012
Magagna A., Ferrero E., Giardino M., From schools to society: the use of multimedia products to disseminate geological heritage, 7th European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information System, Proceedings, vol. 1, 272-273, 2012
Marengo A., Borghi a., Costa E., Gallo M.L:, La collezione “Marmi Onice ed Alabastri” del Museo di Mineralogia e Petrografia dell’Università di Torino., Museologia Scientifica,, 8,, 39-46, 2014
Marengo A.,, Borghi A., Costa E., Gallo L.M., La collezione “Marmi Onice ed Alabastri” del Museo di Mineralogia e Petrografia dell’Università di Torino, Museologia scientifica, 8, 39-46, 2014
Poretti G.,, A. Borghi, A. d’Atri, G. Dino, L. Martire, S. E. Favero Longo,R Piervittori , The stone bridge on the Po river at Turin (NW Italy): a scientific dissemination approach for the development of urban geological heritage. , In: “Proceedings of the IAEG XII Congress”, G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory , Volume 8, , 207-211, 2014
V. Berra,, A. Borghi, A. d’Atri, G.A. Dino, L.M. Gallo, E. Giacobino, L. Martire, G. Massaro, G. Vaggelli, C. Bertok, D. Castelli, E. Costa, S. Ferrando, C. Groppo, F. Rolfo. , Stone materials employed for monumental buildings in the historical centre of Turin (NW Italy): architectonical survey and petrographic characterization of Via Roma. , Global Heritage Stone: Towards International Recognition of Building and Ornamental StonesGeological Society, London, Special Publications, . , 407,,, 2014
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Bonetto S., Dela Pierre F., Lozar F., Marengo A., Masciocco L., Musso O., Natalicchio M., Ponzi M., THE GYPSUM: FROM ECONOMIC RESOURCE TO CULTURAL AND
GEOLOGICAL HERITAGE OF THE MONFERRATO, Dela Pierre, F., Lozar, F. and Natalicchio, M. (Eds.). Abstract Book, RCMNS Interim Colloquium, 25-28 September 2014, Torino (Italy),, N. , 10, 2014